5 Reasons to Use an AI Powered Virtual Concierge

5 Reasons to Use an AI Powered Virtual Concierge

With the rise of AI-powered virtual concierges, businesses have an opportunity to enhance customer service and engagement. These digital assistants can navigate customers through various services and products, and improve the overall customer experience. This article explores five compelling reasons why businesses should embrace virtual concierges to fuel their growth, focusing on improving customer service quality and fostering long-term customer loyalty:

Measuring Accuracy and Trustworthiness in Large Language Models for Summarization & Other Text Generation Tasks

Measuring Accuracy and Trustworthiness in Large Language Models for Summarization & Other Text Generation Tasks

Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly popular due to their ability to complete a wide range of tasks. However, assessing their output quality remains a challenge, especially for complex tasks where there is no standard metric. Fine-tuning LLMs on large datasets for specific tasks may be a potential solution to improve their efficacy and accuracy. In this article, we explore the potential ways to assess LLM output quality:

How to Spot Great AI Opportunities in Your Business

You probably suspect AI can dramatically improve your business, but perhaps you are not sure exactly how -- perhaps you are even worried that a start up or tech company is gunning for your business. Ask yourself two questions: 1. what are the high level business problems that could be transformational if solved and 2. which business problems are feasible to solve with AI to some meaningful degree.

Why NLP is a Game-Changer for the Insurance Industry: Implementation Benefits and Best Practices

Why NLP is a Game-Changer for the Insurance Industry: Implementation Benefits and Best Practices

The insurance industry is moving towards a more tech-driven future with the help of natural language processing (NLP). Artificial intelligence could improve productivity and save up to 40% on insurance costs by 2030, according to a 2021 McKinsey report. In this article we address how you can utilize NLP to automate customer service, streamline underwriting, and analyze social media data:

5 Tips for Securing Executive Buy-In on Your AI Project

5 Tips for Securing Executive Buy-In on Your AI Project

When securing executive buy-in for your potential AI project, there are a number of considerations to keep in mind. It’s necessary to prepare a strong proposal that not only takes account the motivations of your leaders, but also makes a case for your project’s technical feasibility. In this article we dive into five tips to consider when attempting to secure executive buy-in:

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire an AI Consultant

5 Reasons Why You Should Hire an AI Consultant

The demand for data scientists has never been higher, and 86% of executives claimed that AI would be a “mainstream technology” at their companies in 2021. As Artificial Intelligence becomes more widely adopted in business practices, many companies are beginning to utilize AI Consultancies to optimize customer experience, reduce cost, and more. When starting a new AI initiative, working with an experienced consultant is the way to go. That’s why we curated this list of top 5 reasons you should hire an AI Consultant.

AI in Education: Improving Learning Outcomes and Enhancing Teaching Efficiency with AI

AI in Education: Improving Learning Outcomes and Enhancing Teaching Efficiency with AI

The increasing prevalence of AI education technologies raises questions and concerns about the role of AI in the classroom. We explore AI-powered chatbots, language assessments, grammar assistance, and homework help to show AI’s potential as a tool for increasing access to educational materials and automating tasks for educators, allowing them to focus on complex responsibilities and direct student interactions.

Assistive Technologies and AI: Improving Hearing Aids Using Artificial Intelligence

Assistive Technologies and AI: Improving Hearing Aids Using Artificial Intelligence

Hearing aids are a crucial assistive technology for the deaf and hard of hearing communities. However, many who would benefit from the use of hearing aids show a reluctance that stems from a lack of confidence in their value. AI is being used to address the concerns of users with the goal of improving accessibility as well as mental health and cognitive outcomes.

6 Ways AI is Reshaping Modern Education -- Personalized Learning, Progress Monitoring & More

6 Ways AI is Reshaping Modern Education -- Personalized Learning, Progress Monitoring & More

AI has the potential to help create a more equitable, efficient, and innovative educational system. Artificial Intelligence is currently reshaping the way students learn in classrooms all around the world. We address six ways that AI can be leveraged to enhance the ever changing educational landscape for students and teachers alike.

Using AI To Optimize Mechanical Carbon Capture & Storage Systems

Using AI To Optimize Mechanical Carbon Capture & Storage Systems

Since the first oil well was dug in 1859, we have been extracting carbon from the ground and pumping it into our atmosphere. Similar to the hundreds of thousands of oil wells around the world, what if we had many CCS systems capturing carbon, often in the form of oil, and injecting it back into the ground?

Using AI to Identify Plastic Pollution and Expedite Ocean Cleanup

Using AI to Identify Plastic Pollution and Expedite Ocean Cleanup

There is strong demand from governments, environmentalists, and citizens alike to keep our oceans clean and preserve the biodiversity and critical services they provide to life on Earth. Many emerging companies and organizations are changing the landscape of ocean conservation by developing innovative AI monitoring techniques and robotic technologies to identify pollution in our oceans and waterways and provide an expedited approach to cleaning it up.

Improving Carbon Sequestration, Part 2: Organizations Using AI to Monitor Deforestation & Improve Decisions

 Improving Carbon Sequestration, Part 2: Organizations Using AI to Monitor Deforestation & Improve Decisions

Illegal logging is an environmental and economic loss for tropical regions like the Amazon. Illegal logging is associated with billions of dollars of lost revenue each year in addition to depressed timber prices, yet effective strategies to curb illegal deforestation are hard to find. Harnessing AI serves as a promising innovation for enhancing the accuracy of forest monitoring, with the potential to be adapted to the Amazon basin and other tropical regions.

Improving Carbon Sequestration, Part 1: Leveraging AI to Better Map and Monitor Stocks

Improving Carbon Sequestration, Part 1: Leveraging AI to Better Map and Monitor Stocks

In recent years, we’ve witnessed the shocking imagery of Australia, the western United States, Europe, and the Amazon rainforest engulfed in flames, the unprecedented intensity, duration, and extent of the fires inflicting irreversible damage on countries, economies, ecosystems, and the atmosphere. Managing and conserving forest resources remains a top priority, but mapping and monitoring global forests are crucial to understanding how to properly manage and protect them, especially in monitoring wildfires and illegal deforestation, as well as knowing which forests to prioritize preserving. Identifying and monitoring forests with strong conservation value and high carbon stock is also a huge leverage point for targeted intervention of Artificial Intelligence.

Practical Applications of AI and NLP for Automated Text Generation

Practical Applications of AI and NLP for Automated Text Generation

In this article, we explore some practical uses of AI driven automated text generation. We demonstrate how technologies like GPT-3 can be used to better your business applications by automatically generating training data which can be used to bootstrap your machine learning models. We also illustrate some example uses of language transformations like transforming english into legalese or spoken text into written.